Known for her wide range of acting abilities, Ella Purnell is a star in her own right. First she started out in theater in England then worked her way into film and television. Purnell is a skilled and trained actor, making waves in all realms of entertainment across the world. Her most recent project, Yellowjackets (2021-) has been met with glowing reviews and only proves her acting chops as top’s in the field.

In Ways to Live Forever, Purnell plays Kayleigh the cousin of Felix played by Alex Etel. Kayleigh is able to sneak Felix and his best friend Sam played by Robbie Kay into her uncle’s bar for a few underage drinks. Kayleigh accomplishes one of Sam’s goals as he valiantly fights a terminal diagnosis of leukemia. The two eventually share a first kiss in a heartfelt scene that represents all the good that is in the world. Her character along with the two boys represents the innocence in all children; the desire to be free and young with no care in the world while helping Sam live out his goals and write a book about his adventures. The film is a beautiful, yet heart-wrenching portrayal about death and ways to live beyond the life lived on Earth.

Yellowjackets is a darker turn from the Ways to Live Forever. In a Lord of the Flies style thriller and survival story, Purnell leads the series as Jackie Taylor, the captain of the Yellowjackets soccer team. One of the series’ main settings is in the wilderness, after a plane carrying the soccer team crashes in the middle of nowhere, making the team members live without any kind of structure, familiarity, and even uncertainty with cannibalism hanging over them as a possible outcome. Purnell stands out in this series, serving a darker and intriguing role than any others she has done.
Ella Purnell’s skill and ability has only grown in recent years. In the 2010s and into the 2020s, she has proven that she can handle any role given to her. A wonderful character actor and a triple threat to boot, it would be unwise to underestimate her potential in the world of entertainment.